Phone and address

Phone: 937-567-7929

Address: 1600 Brownleigh Rd
Kettering, OH 45429

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pine Car Derby 2011!!!

This years derby was so much fun!!

Here's just a little sneak peak into our fun filled day!!!

Winners circle!

About Me

Kettering, OH, United States
Charity Baptist Church has brought the Gospel of Christ to the Dayton area since it was founded by Dr. Greg Estep during 1977. In 2001 Dr. Thomas Gresham became the pastor; the church moved to Kettering in 2008. Our beliefs have not changed over the years: Salvation by grace through faith alone, the eternal security of the believer, and the inerrancy of Scripture as preserved in the King James Bible are still preached and taught. Thank you for taking the time to visit our site. We hope to see you at church! Email us at
